Child care fees are set by the individual educator with the Provider charge added. The fees are charged as a per day block amount which entitles a family to use any part of the set hours offered by the educator e.g. 10 hrs
All Child Care Subsidy rebates are administered as per govt guidelines and rules applied to any child care setting.
KIDS invoice parents and collect fees on behalf of the Educator, therefore, KIDS liaise directly with parents regarding accounts, direct debits, rebates, vacancies, attendance, debts and all other fee related matters.
The Educator indicates whether they provide nappies, wipes and food in these fees. All other provisions are included regarding the Care and Education of your child.
The average fee for the area is used as a guide for Educators in setting their fees. The rebates are then applied and the parent pays the remaining out of pocket amount.
Educators can be flexible in their choice of start and finish times and block off hours they offer however this is then set for the full financial year as are the fees charged and inclusions.
Immunisation: Yes your child needs to have up to date immunisation to enroll and attend care with KIDS educators.
Parents must lease directly with Centrelink for fee reactions/subsidy and this information supplied to KIDS on commencement for reductions to be applied. Please note that a child can not receive any subsidy for the first and/or last day of care unless the child physically attends that day as per Family assistance laws require.