Child/Children's Full Name/s
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Name
This must be the same person registered to claim CCS for the child(ren) through Services Australia
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Email
Educator Name
First Name
Last Name
Care by Co-ordination Unit Staff Authorisation
All co-ordination unit staff are registered with KIDS Family Day Care as Assistant Educators. I hereby authorise that my child(ren) may be cared for by co-ordination unit staff, in full compliance with the provisions outlined in Regulation 144 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2016.
Sunscreen Authorisation
I acknowledge that KIDS Family Day Care will apply sunscreen to my child before outdoor activities to protect them from sun exposure. I authorise the application of sunscreen as necessary throughout the day. If I have any specific preferences or requirements regarding sunscreen, I will provide this information. Should I prefer to provide my own sunscreen, I will ensure it is available for use.
Internal Photography Authorisation
I authorise KIDS Family Day Care to take photographs and/or videos of my child for internal documentation and educational purposes. These images will be used within the service, such as in learning portfolios, classroom displays, and observations. I understand that these photos will not be shared outside the service without further consent.
External Photography Authorisation
I authorise KIDS Family Day Care to take photographs and/or videos of my child for use in promotional materials, such as the service’s website, social media platforms, brochures, and other marketing materials. I understand that these images may be shared publicly to highlight the activities and experiences offered by the service.
Animal Inclusion
I agree to engage in discussions with my educator regarding the presence of any pets or animals at the Family Day Care service. The educator will inform me of any new animals introduced to the environment and will provide a risk assessment related to these animals.
Water Play Activities
I understand that my child may participate in water play activities as part of the program. These activities will be closely supervised at all times, and a risk assessment will be conducted by the educator to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children involved.
Hours of Operation & Fees
I understand that the service operates on a daily rate based on the total number of hours the educator is available (operating hours). For example, if the educator provides care for 10 hours in a day, I will be charged for 10 hours of care, regardless of how many hours my child attends. This is calculated as an hourly fee multiplied by the hours the educator is available. The total hours charged (e.g., 10 hours) will count towards my eligible CCS hours, meaning CCS will apply to the full duration the educator is available, even if my child attends for fewer hours.
1. Code of Conduct
1.1. I understand that I must adhere to the policies, practices, standards and expectations of KIDS Family Day Care Service.
1.2. I agree that I will not discuss or transfer any information regarding my FDC Educator, her/his family or other families/children in child care, to any person other than the Field Officers of KIDS Family Day Care.
1.3. I agree to discuss any difficulties with my child care arrangement with my FDC Educator or with the KIDS Family Day Care Coordination Unit staff.
1.4. Parents, Children, Educators and Staff will all be treated with dignity and respect.
I Understand and Agree
2. Priority of Access
2.1. I understand that child care operates on a priority of access basis as stated in the Department of Education, Skills and Employment Child Care Provider Handbook. In working within these guidelines I accept that if I am not classed as priority 1 or 2, I may be asked to alter my booked days/hours.
I Understand and Agree
3. Care Requirements and Items for Child/ren
3.1 I agree to provide adequate and appropriate clothing for my child/ren - A change of clothing to cover any mishaps and changes in the weather should be catered for.
3.2 I agree to provide a hat and Broad Spectrum 30+ sunscreen for use by my child/ren.
3.3 I agree to provide food that will be nutritious and sufficient to satisfy my child/ren if food is not to be provided by the Educator, and I will support the FDC Educator in encouraging healthy eating habits.
3.4 I understand that my child may bring a comfort item from home, although toys from home are not the responsibility of the FDC Educator. I agree to not bring toys that are valuable, dangerous, shoot out any harmful parts or contain polystyrene balls into the Family Day Care environment.
I Understand and Agree
4. Arrivals & Departures
4.1. I understand that my child must arrive and depart from Family Day Care accompanied by a parent, guardian, authorised person or by the FDC Educator (school and kindergarten drops).
4.2. I agree to inform the FDC Educator and the FDC coordination unit if any person, other than those named on the Enrolment Form, is to pick up my child/ren from the FDC Educator.
4.3. I agree to sign my child's record of care, on arrival and departure, each time my child is in attendance and that this record cannot be completed in advance or in arrears (except to confirm or deny sign-in occurrences by others).
4.4. I understand that I will be charged for additional care provided by the FDC Educator outside of the booked hours.
I Understand and Agree
5. Absent or Late
5.1. I understand I must contact the FDC Educator if my child/ren will not be in care on a booked day. I will also contact the FDC Educator if I am going to be late bringing or collecting my child/ren from care.
5.2. I understand if I am late bringing my child and do not notify the FDC Educator she/he may not be home to take my child - and I will be required to pay.
5.3. I understand that for CCS purposes I have a maximum of 42 days per annum of Allowable Absences, where the usual fee will be charged and CCS will also be claimed. CCS can be claimed for additional absences, in excess of the 42 days, if my child is absent from care due to a reason set out in Family Assistance Law (evidence may be required).
5.4. Absences before a child has started care (eg. booked but not attended first day(s) of care) or at the end of a child's enrolment (eg. did not attend last booked day(s) of care) are not eligible for CCS. As such, full fees are payable for any such days. If CCS is paid for these sessions of care, it may be recovered by Services Australia.
I Understand and Agree
6. Transportation & Excursions
I understand that my child may be taken outside the FDC Educator's dwelling and/or premises by my FDC Educator, an Educator Assistant or KIDS Family Day Care staff on routine outings and one off excursions, and that a risk assessment will have been completed prior to the outing/excursion.
I further understand that I must give permission for my child/ren to leave the FDC residence/venue. This does not apply in the case of emergency evacuations.
I Understand and Agree
7. Illness & Medical Attention
7.1. I understand and agree that, when my FDC Educator is unable to provide care, I may need to arrange my own emergency child care.
7.2. I understand that all medication must be in the original container, bearing the original label. All medication must be prescribed for the child and must state on the label the medication name and strength, the date of prescription, child's name, dosage and times to be administered, as well as the expiry date of the prescription.
7.3. I understand that medication can only be used on the basis that my child has seen a doctor and the doctor has directed by script or in writing that such medication is appropriate. A doctor's written instruction or pharmacist's label will normally be sufficient.
7.4. I understand that all medication must be handed to the FDC Educator for correct storage. Medication must not be left in the child's bag.
7.5. I agree to complete the Medication Record Form, and I understand that parent's/guardian's written permission and authorisation must be given for all non-emergency medication administered. This shall include the time and dose and a summary of the doses of medication administered by the parent at home in the previous 24-hour period.
7.6. I agree to inform the Family Day Care coordination unit and my FDC Educator of any notifiable infectious illness and/or medical condition my child has contracted or developed.
7.7. I understand that the FDC Educator cannot provide care for children when they are sick or suffering an infectious illness. I agree to remove my child from care and make alternative child care arrangements if my child is ill or infectious. I understand if I am unable to be contacted in the event of an emergency (accident/illness), the FDC Educator/coordination unit, will contact the nominated emergency/authorised person/s who will be asked to take over the care of my child/ren.
7.8. I agree that KIDS Family Day Care and its Agents or Employees shall not be responsible for any injury, sickness or illness suffered by a child, however caused, whilst at the FDC Educator dwelling and premises or whilst visiting any places outside the FDC Educator's dwelling or otherwise whilst under the control or in the care of KIDS FDC.
7.9. I authorise a representative of KIDS Family Day Care to seek medical attention for my child (including transportation by Ambulance service) where they deem it necessary for my child's wellbeing, health or safety, and agree to pay the costs of such medical assistance.
I Understand and Agree
8. Medical Conditions
It is a regulatory requirement that children who have a specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition must have a Risk Minimisation form and a Communications Plan completed by the parent and either the educator or a member of staff from KIDS FDC.
These will be provided in person or via email, along with our Medical Conditions policy. The parent must also provide a medical management plan for the child.
I Understand and Agree
9. Immunisation
Under the ‘No Jab, No Play’ legislation, before enrolling a child, early childhood education and care services have to first obtain evidence that the child is up to date with all vaccinations that are due for their age, or that they are able to receive. An Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is the only form of documentation accepted for the purpose of enrolling in an early childhood education and care service.
After enrolment, parents need to continue to supply up to date Immunisation History Statements to their child’s early childhood service. A link to more information about how to obtain an Immunisation History Statement can be found in the "resources" section of this form.
I Understand and Agree